Celebrating Our 34th Wedding Anniversary! & Gwen’s Recovery Update


This Sunday, April 5th Gwen and I will celebrate our 34th Wedding Annivesary!  We were married in Vancouver, B.C., Canada by the late Rev. Paul Hackett.  Our ceremony was quite unique to say the least.  It was not only a dedication of our lives together as husband and wife, but it was also a dedication and commitment of our lives together for the work of the ministry.  We will never forget the powerful anointing that came upon us as Pastor Hackett prayed over us.  The spirit of God was so strong that I got re-baptized in the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues right there at the altar.  For 34 years we have remained faithful to one another and to the common call upon our lives to “do the work of an evangelist” . (II Tim. 2:5b)


As mentioned in last week’s blog, Gwen is recovering from having had a total hip replacement on March 23rd.  The surgery went well however she has suffered a very rare and painful rash over her entire body, accompanied by severe swelling of her torso, arms, legs and feet.  The doctors don’t know but do believe it was apparently reaction to one or more of the medications she received in the hospital. There is no treatment for this condition except time and it does now appear to be passing.  The swelling seems to be going down and the redness of her skin, returning to normal color.  Our thanks to all who have been praying for her during this difficult season.


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