Learning How to Rest


A CALL TO REST: During these past two weeks I have been learning how to responnd to God’s call to rest.  After suffering from a “near heart attack” just over 2 weeks ago, I have chosen to withdraw from all public ministry for one month to just rest.  For me, it was a Godly call.  Jesus said “Come unto me, all that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28)  Sounds easy but for somone like myself who’s life has been actively busy, fulfilling a demanding ministry schedule throughout the U.S. and Canada for 35 years, this “rest” that Jesus is speaking of can be a challenge to embrace.  If I am not careful, I can get so busy working for God that I miss seeing Him work without my help.  I can miss seeing those soveriegn workings of the Lord that I had no part or involvement in. 

NOT A CALL TO MAINTENANCE: One of the things the Lord is showing me is that much of the work that we engage ourselves in is maintenance oriented, things we do to “keep the ball rolling” as they say.  We feel that if we don’t do it, its not going to get done.  To the contrary, I have been learning that I am not a maintenance man for God.  He will take care of me and my household.  If for whatever reasons I am not able to do what I always do for the ministry, He will raise up others to “step up to the plate” and intervene.  Our need releases new ministry to flow.  God will see to it that His work will get done even without our help if need be.  The Bible says, “Faithful is He who has called us, who will also do it.” (I Thes. 5:24)   Sometimes we fail to remember that God does not need us.  We need God. 

RESPONDING TO THE SIGNS OF OVERLOAD & RELEASING CONTROL: So when we see the signs of “overload”, as I did two weeks ago in the Sacramento Airport, when I thought I was going to die because of strong jolts of chest pain I could bearly endure, it is time to “Come to Jesus” and let Him take full corntrol.  It is time to let Him give you the rest you so desperately need.  I know that we, by nature, all want to keep everything under our control.  But when that control is taken from you, may God help you to let it all go and find your rest in Jesus

Thank you for your continued prayers for Gwen and I.  Many have sent us cards and gifts during this difficult season, for which we have been so grateful.  Our thanks also to some pastors who have received special offerings from their congregations to help us financially during this time of rest from the ministry.

To contact us during this time:    

Email: revrogersmets@aol.com”.

US mail: Roger Smets Evangelistic Ministries, 2743 Madison River Drive, Redding, CA 96002.

Endeavoring to rest in the God who is forever able.

Roger Smets

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