Peace That Keeps

The Peace That Keeps!

Perhaps one of the most well known verse in the entire Bible on the Peace of God is Phillipians 4:7, “The peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus our Lord.”  One of the key words in this verse is “keep“.  It makes this an assuring peace that has power to keep us in the midst of the most troublesome storms of life.  This verse says that God’s peace will keep our hearts and our minds.  Some say in the midst of difficult times, “I’m about to lose my mind”, but God says, “no!”,  ”I will keep it for you”.    He promises to keep our hearts and our minds with His awesome peace.  This peace is a peace that only He can give, the peace that surpasses all human ability to comprehend.  It is the only true peace that promises emotional, mental and spiritual stability amid the most difficult of times.


Evangelist Roger Smets

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