Returning to Full Ministry Schedule

     After taking one month off from all ministry engagements we have now resumed our normal ministry schedule.  Due to health reasons I withdrew from all public ministry for one month, to rest and recouperate from what could have been, a fatal heart attack.  I was hospitalized for 4 days and received a stent implant in one of the main arteries in my heart that had become 95% blocked.  My normal blood flow was restored, freeing me from the life threating jolts of pain I was enduring in my chest.  After a month of rest, I am feeling strong enough to resume our normal ministry schedule, begining with two weeks of ministry in Sourthern California. 

Thank you for your continued prayers as we return to preaching the Word and praying personal words of prophetic promises to individuals.  The Bible says, “The Lord shall restore healthunto us and will heal us from all of our wounds.” (Jer. 30:17)  We receive this promise in Jesus’ name!

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