Roger was admitted to the hospital in Redding Monday evening with severe chest pains.  His cardiologist performed an angiogram Tuesday afternoon and found an almost completely blocked artery.  He inserted another stent, and Roger is now resting and being taken care of in Cardiac Care for a few days.  We would appreciate your prayers for a rapid and full recovery.  We are so thankful that he did not have a heart attack and the blockage was found before any heart damage was done.  He is looking forward to getting back to preaching the Word and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I want to sincerely thank all those who prayed for me during and after my hip surgery.  Thank you for all the wonderful cards and phone calls, words of encouragement, and scriptures to hold on to.  The experience was made more difficult because of the allergic reaction to the antibiotic, but I truly felt strengthened by your prayers.  I can walk without the pain I suffered for the last few years, and am so grateful for renewed strength. We can’t always avoid the trials in life, but we can always trust Jesus to see us through!

Gwen Smets

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