“Hoping On” in God!

The Bible says that when God told Abraham that he and Sarah were going to have a child, (even though they were long past child-bearing age) that he had a steadfast, unwavering unrelenting hope that if that was what God had spoken, then so shall it be.  It certainly didn’t seem likely that they could be new parents of a little baby at that stage of their lives.  In fact, the Bible says that when Abraham told Sarah what the Lord had spoken, that she laughed at such a notion and thought Abraham must be joking.  But Abraham “staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God and was fully pursuaded that whatever God had promised, that He was also able to perform.” (Rom. 4:20-21)  Abraham had a unrelenting hope in God.  The Bible says “Who against hope believed in hope” or as the Amplified Version puts it, “When all human reason for hope was gone, he hoped on in God.” (Rom. 4:18a)

May God grant us this kind of hope that is not easily shaken, a hope that can withstand every doubful thought, and emerge as the foundation of the miraculous.  May God help us to “hope on” in Him.  So be it Lord Jesus!

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